My time with you, my faithful audience, is finally drawing to a close. I’ve been looking over my past entries, and I realized something. I very rarely go into any specific nuances about the device. So this week I’ve decided to share with you all of the little tips and tricks I’ve come up with the along the way. Plus, I figure there’s a chance that some of you reading this may actually own the mighty Andro, and have concerns of your own. So here, in no particular order at all, are Anthony’s Nuggets of PE Wisdom.
The most important rule for wearing the Andro is lubrication. If you are jelqing, make sure you use tons of lube. For a long time, I was just using regular old moisturizing lotion to jelq. It worked fine, but recently I switched to using a “personal” lubrication called Astro-Glide. I’ve found that it works better because it lasts longer, and leaves the skin feeling sticky and thick. You may be thinking, “Anthony, why would I want my dick to be sticky?” Because, young butterfly, if your member is a little sticky, the Andro will grasp it more tightly. This will enable a better stretch, and is actually more comfortable because if your glans “slip” and get caught in the device, it’s not pleasant. If you are not jelqing, I’d still recommend that after every shower, you apply a healthy dosage of the some kind of cream. Also, if it’s possible, the best time to wear the device is directly after a shower. Your tissues are relaxed and spongy, and the device can generally be worn for a while afterwards with little to no discomfort. If it was possible for me to do so, I would actually make a hot wrap for myself every time I was about to wear the device. This can be done with a rice sock, or even just a hot washcloth. So for any of you who work at the home, I would recommend trying that.
Second topic: when to wear the device. Contrary to what SizeGenetics suggests, you really cannot wear the device around people. Large, sudden movements are impossible while wearing the device, so even walking quickly can be difficult. It is often fairly noticeable, especially as the device gets longer and extends well above your pant line. Really, the device should be worn only during periods of inactivity, such as while reading or watching TV. Personally, I just never feel comfortable around people while wearing the device.
While removing the device, be really, really careful. The device has a nasty habit of getting really stuck to your skin (it’s a different kind of stuck that with the lube residue; it’s a bad kind of stuck), and if you remove it quickly, it hurts a lot. So when you take off the device, do it slowly and carefully, like removing a band-aid. Also, I’ve tried using a lot of protective coverings; cloths, gauze, even a piece of an ace bandage. But whenever I used a covering, my glans got pinched, and the device didn’t stay on as well. So I generally bareback it. I wish I didn’t have to, because I’m sure it contributes to my skin irritation. But I’ve found no other solution. Once you’ve removed the device, massage any irritated skin, and do your best to get blood flowing. Often I’ll try and jelq a little bit, but if time is a factor I wouldn’t recommend that. Don’t put the device back on until your skin has returned to a relatively normal color. Yes, the Andro will temporary make your skin red. I’ve never once had my skin turn blue, or had any real problems with circulation. Just use pain as a guide, and you’ll never wear the device for too long. If all the…uh…“massaging” has left you with an erection, don’t try and put the device on. I actually am too wide to fit into the device while erect (I’m a little bigger at the base), so definitely don’t try and force your member into the device. Just wait until you’re almost totally flaccid again.
I’ve still got one week left, so stay tuned
Week 15 Length (Erect): 6.1 inches (15.5 cm)
Week 15 Girth (Erect): 5.49 inches (14 cm)